Ferris Blusa & Observe Since 98 – And That’s When I Saw Gawd (9 tracks)

The collaboration with Observe Since 98 adds a unique layer to the album “Ferris Blusa & Observe Since 98 – And That’s When I Saw Gawd”, enhancing Ferris Blusa’s already impressive sound. The production is both fresh and nostalgic. Despite its experimental nature, the album remains grounded in the traditions of hip-hop.

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Ferris Blusa & Observe Since 98 – And That’s When I Saw Gawd on Amazon Music

📋 Tracklist: Ferris Blusa & Observe Since 98 – And That’s When I Saw Gawd (2025)

1. The Unholy – Ferris Blusa, Observe Since 98 – 01:13
2. He Who Remains – Ferris Blusa, Observe Since 98 – 02:35
3. Since I Saw You – Ferris Blusa, Observe Since 98 – 03:34
4. Devilvangelist Entry 1 – Ferris Blusa, Observe Since 98 – 01:28
5. Made It Out Fine – Ferris Blusa, Observe Since 98 – 02:23
6. False Prophets – Ferris Blusa, Observe Since 98 – 02:38
7. Bible Study Freestyle – Ferris Blusa, Observe Since 98 – 03:37
8. Faith In Me – Ferris Blusa, Observe Since 98 – 03:18
9. Devilvangelist Entry 2 – Ferris Blusa, Observe Since 98 – 01:56

⏱️ Total runtime: 22:42

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